Company Description
Town Taxi is locally owned and operated and has been proudly serving the Cariboo - Chilcoton area since 1987. 24 Hours a day 7 days a week. Our drivers are friendly and courteous. We always take the shortest route available. We always accept cash, debit and credit . Always clean and sanitized cars
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Taxi , Deliveries , Airport Services , Taxi Service , Chartered Van , Shuttle
Taxi , Charters , Courier Services , Airport Services , Deliveries
Amenities and More
Locally owned and operated
Reviews and Recommendations
(4)Frequently asked questions about Town Taxi
How do customers rate Town Taxi?
Town Taxi has 3.8 stars based on 4 reviews.
What forms of payment are accepted?
Town Taxi accepts: debit cash credit cards.