Company Description
FIRST MEMORIAL FUNERAL SERVICES Lakewood Chapel. Burial or cremation. Cemetery markers. Serving all ethnic groups and faiths. Low Costs. Prearrangement plans. Traditional and simple services.
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Products & Services
Cremation services , Funeral planning and services , Home funeral care and sittening , Embalming and cremation , Death certificate filing , Funeral insurance and financial planning , permit secruity , death insurance claims , Cemetery markers , Cremation , Social Security survivors benefits , Memorial services , Life celebrations and ceremonies , Burial , estate information , Bereavement support and counseling , Grief support and counseling , funeral planning , Pre-planning and advance funeral planning , Guidance on death and dying issues , obituary creation , funeral planning and grief support , Veterans funeral services , Burial services , cemetery providers , time-sensitive travel arrangements , grief support
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Frequently asked questions about First Memorial Funeral Services Lakewood Chapel
What days is First Memorial Funeral Services Lakewood Chapel open?
First Memorial Funeral Services Lakewood Chapel is open 24/7.