Oil Change Service in Prince George, BC

  • Auto Repair Brake Service Mufflers & Exhaust Systems Oil Changes & Lubrication Service

    A fully insured and government designated inspection facility, Centennial Auto & Muffler in Prince George is an auto repair and maintenance shop you can trust.

    4834 Continental Way Prince George, BC
    (250) 563-4620
  • Oil Changes & Lubrication Service Auto Oil & Lube Service Auto Repair

    Locally owned and operated since March 2016, Great Canadian Oil Change Terrace is proud to be part of a franchise that has earned a reputation for price and quality leadership.

    3169 - 15th Ave Prince George, BC
    (250) 563-0762
  • Auto Oil & Lube Service Auto Repair Retail Gasoline Oil Changes & Lubrication Service

    When it comes to Mechanical Repairs, Tires and Oil Changes, no one compares to Mr Quick Lube & Oil. With years of combined experience, Mr Quick Lube & Oil has worked hard to build the trust of our clients in Prince George, Fort St. John, Mackenzie and beyond. Visit our website t…

    1746 Hart Hwy Prince George, BC
    (250) 563-8160